A Meddling Busy Body
- At January 24, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In My Column
- 8
A Meddling Busy Body
A Meddling Busy Body – On January 18, 2015 – late evening – I saw a photograph of the recent massacre of Nigerian villagers by radical extremists. It has been said that over 2000 innocent people were slaughtered in an orgy of rage and hatred. Apparently 80 to 100 more men – women and children were also kidnapped in the following days. The extremists have promised more death and destruction.
This occurred just after the Je Suis Charlie Paris march – where over 3,000,000 people and dozens of world leaders and government representatives took to the streets in Europe – to declare that Freedom Of Speech was sacrosanct.
I believe in this human right – the ability to freely express an opinion and makes one’s feelings known on a topic or event. But I also experienced a gut churning rage that these innocent souls were lost and no one seemed to care. Where was the global media coverage? Where was the UN? Where was the outrage? Where were the world leaders? They were not on planes bound for Nigeria. Why was this such a non-event?
I was so saddened by this that I decided to start a new Facebook page called A Beating Heart – Inspirational Sayings. I explained why I started the page and posted the image from the massacre. It was a brutal photograph. The next image I posted was one of my favourite sayings and a beautiful photograph. I wanted to honour these slain people.
Over the next 4 days the post was shared over 170 times and the reach was over 17,000 – people expressed their outage and some said that they had heard nothing about this and were distressed at the lack of media coverage. People were taking notice and that was important. Change cannot happen without awareness. This post was doing just that.
Then last night the post disappeared and a message from Facebook said that it had violated their “community standards”. Of course – “someone” had complained. This person did NOT send me a private message saying that he or she wanted to have a conversation about the post – so I have no idea who it was. I would have been happy to explain my reasoning.
My original plan was to un-pin the post on Sunday January 25, 2015 and move it to the bottom of the page. That choice was taken away from me.
Going forward the page will only be populated with inspirational sayings and beautiful images. I did not have the opportunity to fulfill my original plan – because “someone” – a meddling busy body decided that it was his or her place to make that decision. Their behind the scenes “reporting” of an important issue smacks of a cowardly and bullying mentality. “I won’t reveal myself – but my way is right and you are wrong”. When you disagree with someone have the courage to be open about it and remember what free speech is all about.
Instead you chose to hide behind a computer screen. You were not actually worried about Facebook’s “community standards” – there are millions of images all over the site – many of them far more graphic than the one in question. You projected your own personal standards onto someone else’s work and interfered. I’m sure that you are very satisfied with yourself – the great saviour of morality – the champion “fixer” of all that is bad and wrong.
I think you fail to understand that change in the world does not happen with one grand stroke of inspiration by some world leader – it happens when awareness is created in people moment to moment over time. Finally a point is reached where enough people say “we demand change”. You may want to read some history books!
In place of the deleted post I wrote a message of explanation:
This Page Is Dedicated To The Lost Souls in Nigeria – whether murdered or kidnapped.
You are not forgotten heart emoticon ..
I added the following 4 beautiful photos and they will stay pinned to the top of the page in memory of the Nigerian people whose lives were stolen:
I don’t care who the “busy body” is – you are not relevant to my life. The important lesson here for people is to have a conversation with a fellow traveller on social media – rather than going behind the scenes like a spoiled school child and “telling the teacher” to get your own way. Shame on you!
I will keep on shining a light on the darkness with A Beating Heart – Inspirational Sayings” – When You See Them Please Remember In Whose Honour They Have Been Posted!