Get Involved – Petitions. Can A Little Petition Make A Difference?
- At January 29, 2013
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues
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Get Involved – Petitions
Everyone has a different way of being in the world. Some people care about local or global issues and are very involved in the things that are important to them. Others put their focus on careers or family life and are decent and very caring within their own sphere of influence. Other people do nothing at all that doesn’t benefit them personally. Some people give to charity and others do not. Some people are loving and compassionate and others are cruel. Everyone is responsible for the choices that they make in life.
But if you do care – then the ways to help animals are unlimited. You just need to find out what speaks to you. What issue triggers a sense of passion and a willingness to commit some of your time and energy outside of your everyday life? Once you find that – you’re on your way!
I started signing petitions about 7 years ago when I was introduced to the David Sheldrick Wild Life Trust in Africa. I received all of my information from them via the Internet and the process was fast and efficient. Then I signed an on-line petition about bull fighting. Initially I was a bit skeptical about the value of “clicking and signing” – but I soon learned about the power of these campaigns.
Now I’m on the databases of many bona fide animal protection and welfare organizations and I sign petitions every day. I click for the Say No To Ivory campaign to IFAW, Greenpeace – Humane Society International – WWF – PETA – AAVAZ and many more. I sign and help whenever I can. At year end, most organizations send you a wonderful report of their yearly success stories. It feels so good to have been a part of a victory for animals.