When It Comes To Animals – THINK

When It Comes To Animals – THINK

When It Comes To Animals – THINK – I like to give people the “benefit of the doubt” – I really do. A person can have an off day – way too much on their mind – too many bills to pay and not enough money at the end of the month – be going through a messy divorce – have out of control kids – a lousy job – a boss who is an absolute idiot – a serious weight problem – a devastatiing health challenge or be born on the wrong side of the tracks. I understand that life can be a challenge.

However – having said that – at the end of the day when we look in the mirror – most of us know what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. Now if you are a psychopath or a sociopath – it may be a bit difficult to understand the fine nuances of right and wrong – so let’s take the “paths” out of the equation. RIGHT



Then there are the times when we honestly make mistakes – “oops” and guess what – we learn from these events and we do NOT repeat them!


Then there are the stupid people! Many of them are rich and insensitive – lots of them are politicians – numerous ones are in positions of power – some are genuinely stupid and some are deliberately stupid. Some are bullies. Many are greedy corporations – they don’t care who they harm as long as the money rolls in. They can be husbands and wives and kids. Stupid can run in a family and that is particularly frightening because they inevitably have children and grandchildren!


When it comes to animals and our environment –  these distinctions are very important. We know what is right – what is wrong – a mistake (oops) and what is really stupid.

So how do you make out on the list below?

Animal fighting of any kind.

Forgetting to put fresh water down for the cat.

Leaving pets outdoors when it is too hot or too cold.

The Tajii dolphin hunt.

Being too “uninvolved to share or even sign an animal or environmental petition.

Wearing the skin of an endangered animal. (HINT – politicians).

Not giving your dog enough exercise.

The beating of Temple Elephants in India.

Refusing to spay or neuter your pets.

Wildlife poaching.

Canned lion hunting.

Refusing to speak up when you see any kind of animal cruelty.

Trapping animals in the wild.

Wearing fur.

Saying that “animals” just aren’t your thing.

Thinking that one person can’t make a difference.

Drilling for Oil in the Arctic or the Antarctic.

Shipping live animals from Australia or the UK to Arab Nations.

Skinning ANY animal alive.

Cruelty to animals in film making.


Saying that “someone else” will help.

Thinking that the Government has all the power and you have none.

Pretending to care but then doing nothing.

Chaining a dog.

Factory farming of any kind and transporting any animals in extreme weather conditions.

Angora farms.

The “down” industry.

Buying a puppy mill pet on line.

Slaughter houses.

Animal racing of any kind.

Hurting any animal – ever!

Let’s face it – it’s pretty simple to pick out what is right – wrong – oops and stupid from the list above. People need to start to think about the choices they are making individually. Nations need to start to think about the choices they are making.

We the people need to start to think about what we will accept from our Governments and then MORE people need to step up and get involved! Guess what? Excuses are not accepted.  It does not have to be grand or expensive or far reaching – BUT – Everyone Can Do Something!