Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – April 24, 2004

Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – April 24, 2004

Progress Report

Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – April 24, 2004 – Thank goodness I didn’t make “exercise” a new year’s resolution! I’m having enough trouble keeping the one I did commit to, which was to drink more water. Now you make ask – how could that be so difficult – get a glass, fill it full of water, pick it up and bend your elbow. Okay, that part is easy enough – it’s the remembering bit that I keep forgetting. But I’m working away at it.

As for exercise, I started April with high hopes of an impressive record for the month. Unfortunately, I was waylaid by a brutal cold and spent three weeks locked in its miserable clutches. Snivelling, coughing, wheezing and sneezing are not good companions for a work-out. Howard stood idle. The guilt mounted.

I closed Howard’s work-out room door so I didn’t have to look at him as I walked by. By this week the last of the cold had gone where all colds go – to some poor unsuspecting person who happened to be standing behind me in a check-out line, and I was feeling much better.

Howard had finally succeeded in beating down my defences with his constant whining, so I went out and bought him a television. The incomparable John the Handyman came over the other night and put up a wall bracket for Howard’s television and now he can watch sports shows whenever he wants. I don’t feel so guilty now that he has some entertainment.

The big benefit for me is that I can have a walk with Howard and not be bored. I don’t think he’s too bright! So things are looking up. The last four days Howard and I have walked a couple of miles a day together and my exercise program is back on track.

Now, I’m not naive enough to think that I will suddenly become an exercise afficionado and leap out of bed in the morning, the way I used to, before menopause. I still sleep poorly, abhor mornings, have very little energy and would rather sit and read a book. However I understand the incredible benefits of exercise, especially for middle-aged women, and I’m determined to stick with this.

The first quarter of the year has certainly been a hit and miss affair (mostly miss), but I’m ever hopeful that I can change my attitude and deliver the goods. The benefits are all mine. If I can do this anyone can and I really mean that. Remember that I’m the Queen of Rationalization – but I’m due for a transformation and I’m working on it. I’ll check in again with another Progress Report in May. Howard is watching the hockey game – but I know he sends his regards.