The Tragedy Of Elephant Slavery

The Tragedy Of Elephant Slavery

Lives Denied

The Tragedy Of Elephant Slavery – the desire to be free is a primal instinct in every living being. Why will people die to be liberated? Because freedom is in the DNA of the human heart and soul. So why do we – our supposed evolved species – think that it is acceptable to deny this right to the animals of the planet. We do so in our ignorance and arrogance. Humanity has strayed so far from the innate beauty and dignity of the natural world that we are corrupt strangers on the journey of our planet.

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 80

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink 80

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 80 – Iggy Oink would like you to know that he is very aware that in human peoples – kindness and compassion do not start in the human intellect – in the mind –  they spring from the beauty and gentleness of the human heart. So please think for a moment about the little beating hearts of pigs and piglets and remember how much they too want to live!

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Toronto – Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade March – April 4, 2015

Animal Action Canada – Come And March With Us!

Toronto – Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade March – April 4, 2015 – Toronto – A reminder that Animal Action Canada is hosting the march to create awareness about the consumption of dog and cat meat around the world. The brutality is staggering and the suffering is extreme before and during  death.

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 79

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink 79

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 79 – Iggy Oink would like you to know that he is NOT a species specific pig. He is also not opposed to using the odd colourful “F” bomb. Having said that Iggy recognizes that some readers may be offended. In this case of isolated piggy vulgarity – Iggy does not care …

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An Open Letter From A Lion To Humans

An Open Letter From A Lion To Humans

Human Ignorance And Arrogance Cause Untold Suffering

An Open Letter From A Lion To Humans – As I sit in my enclosure, surrounded by a large group of my fellow lions, all eagerly competing for a spot around the watering hole, I ask myself what I have done to deserve this. Where I went wrong. What imposition I posed to the humans who have forever confined me to a life of servitude and exploitation.

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