Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 72
- At March 04, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 72
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 72 – Iggy Oink would like you to think about the life of a breeding sow for just a few moments. Most sows are confined in gestation crates for about 5 years. The length of time it takes to totally deplete their bodies. They are then backed out of the crate – put of a truck – and send to slaughter.
Read More»Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 71
- At March 03, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 71
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 71 – Iggy Oink would like you to read a great post by Orla Mannion (Iggy has a secret crush on Orla – sorry Chris Sharon Edwards – you have to share this little Peter Pan Pig). She is asking you to think about how pigs are treated and why we (piggies) are so readily dismissed by humans when we are such incredible beings! You just need to get to know us!
Read More»Orla Mannion Contemplates The Pig
- At March 03, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Guest Writers
Orla Mannion Contemplates The Pig
We Dismiss Them Without Thinking
Orla Mannion Contemplates The Pig – “I know – he’s such a pig” – “Your room is an absolute pigsty, clean it up” – “Can you believe that someone could be so pigheaded?” It’s not difficult to understand why people relate so poorly to pigs and have such little empathy for their plight in the meat industry, when our everyday language is riddled with negative colloquialisms and nasty insults centered around their very existence.
An Open Letter To Humanity
- At March 02, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In My Column
An Open Letter To Humanity
How Does One Address One’s Own Species
An Open Letter To Humanity – Dear Humans – Dear People – Hey You? Perhaps one just speaks from the heart in the hope that like minded individuals will be drawn to the message – and then be willing to share it – and in the process perhaps open the eyes and minds of others.
Read More»Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 70
- At March 02, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 70
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 70 – Iggy Oink would like you to know that pigs are sweet little beings. Their natural inclination is to be curious – to play – to snuggle – to run and jump. Pigs like to have fun. They can be taught games and they can put puzzle pieces on a board to get treats as a reward.
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