Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 63

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink 63

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 63 – Iggy Oink would like to point out that human peoples are not the only dreamers. Pigs dream! I often dream of my sister Ruby (who got on a truck) – she didn’t want to go. My last memories of her are hearing her soft little snuffles as the truck pulled out of the yard. Ruby had a twisted foot at birth so she walked with an odd ungainly trot – but it didn’t stop her from playing. I wonder where she is – but I think I know. 

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 62

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink 62

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 62 – Iggy Oink would like to point out that factory farming is a cruel and brutal business. Owners want to make maximum profits so they ask their legislators to introduce AG-GAG laws which make it illegal to expose what really goes on inside these factories. Animal activists can then be arrested for telling the truth. This is WRONG. All human peoples must be held accountable for their actions – especially when unnecessary and barbaric suffering is the result.

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Lion Cub Petting and the CON in Conservation

Lion Cub Petting and the CON in Conservation

Is There A Big Lie In Lion Cub Petting?

Lion Cub Petting and the CON in Conservation – The incredible draw for the public in petting a lion cub is almost primal. The chance to connect with an animal whose instincts are wild and therefore pure and free is the attraction to tourists who are enchanted by this industry. Soft and cuddly cubs – still friendly – playful – engaging – funny and sweet. What could be wrong with this? As it turns out – there are questions that need to be answered. From the broken promises to the sudden and unexplained disappearance of cubs. The end game for many of the cubs may be death in a canned lion hunting facility where they await a bullet or possibly an arrow. This story by Nathan Friesen documents his personal experience with cub petting in Africa.

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 61

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink 61

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 61 – Iggy Oink would like to point out that when a mother pig (sow) – has a litter (farrow) of 8 to 12 piglets that she recognizes each baby as an individual little being. She can have 2 litters a year and she knows and connects to them all. She makes a nest for her babies if she is able to and grieves for them when the weak ones die.

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An Open Letter To Africa’s Lions

An Open Letter To Africa’s Lions

Jacalyn Beales – A Very Personal Declaration

An Open Letter To Africa’s Lions – Let me begin this letter by apologizing. I, along with every individual who’s ever pet, played with, cuddled or paid to interact with you, owe you an apology. We owe you not just one, however; we owe you many.

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