George Has Eye Surgery

George Has Eye Surgery

And It Is Successful

George Has Eye Surgery – Because he was deprived of proper nutrition – and exposed to constant camera flashes as a baby in the cub petting industry – little George developed cataracts on both eyes. The first priority when he was rescued with brother Yame – was to make sure that he was healthy. He has passed that milestone successfully. George has now had successful surgery!

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 51

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 51

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 51 – Iggy Oink sometimes has spare time on his little piggy hoofs so he was wondering what might happen if he decided to write a poem. There don’t seem to be a plethora (Iggy likes that word) – plethora – plethora – plethora – of pig poets so he is certain to be outstanding in his field. There might be more pig poets if peoples stopped eating us!

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Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade – Why Is Toronto Marching

Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade – Why Is Toronto Marching

Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade – Why Is Toronto Marching. We are highlighting the barbaric dog and cat trade around the world on April 4, 2015. This trade is often illegal – inhumane and savage. The willful and intense torture of these animals – done with a casual attitude and in the name of cultural tradition – is wrong and must be addressed and stopped. There is a belief that the more an animal suffers as it dies – the more tender and delicious the meat will be!

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 50

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 50

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 50 – Iggy Oink had many little piggy brothers and sisters when he was a wee boy. They are all gone now but he still remembers them. When you have childrens of your own and they come to you and say Mommie – “I don’t want to eat animals” – listen to them and respect their wishes.

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Poetry – A Veal Calf

Poetry – A Veal Calf

The Power Of The Written Word

Poetry – A Veal Calf – Just as a song can draw us into its melody and connect us to the power at its core – a well crafted poem can deliver a  message of hope, despair, humour, love, honour, kinship or compassion. A poet can move us to tears or laughter and with just one phrase – transport us to a time long past or an event about to take place.

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