Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 15

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 15

Pig Tales

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 15 – So here’s the thing about pigs – pigs are fairly sophisticated. They like music, they like to play, they are as smart as your 3 year old child, they can learn to play video games, they are observant and seem to really enjoy the process of living when given the chance.


And something else I bet you didn’t know – pigs are enthusiastic and more than willing to enjoy new experiences. They love to run when they can and they make nests for their newborn piglets. A sow loves being a Mother. In factory farms every natural instinct that they have is denied them and they can go crazy with the confinement. There are few cruelties more appalling than this.


The Water Runs Red At Taiji Cove

The Water Runs Red At Taiji Cove

Save The Taiji Dolphins

The Water Runs Red At Taiji Cove – When you decide to stand up for animals and become an activist you know that you’re risking a broken heart and a troubled mind. You know there will be sleepless nights and images that will haunt your dreams. As you wake up in the morning to face another day – you reach deep into that beautiful soft place in your soul from which you draw your strength.

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 14

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 14

Pig Tales

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 14 – So here’s the thing about pigs – pigs who live in the wild have a very important job. They help to manage the eco-systems they inhabit by rooting around, moving the soil and thus creating areas for new vegetation to grow. They also spread seeds around with their snouts.


And something else I bet you didn’t know – pigs are a extremely curious and really happy animals. They take great pleasure in their friends and are very family oriented. Piglets like to hang out with their mother. Even after they are weaned at 3 or 4 months of age babies they still prefer to live with Mom!

PIG 23

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 13

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 13

Pig Tales

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 13 – So here’s the thing about pigs – we have an amazing sense of smell. We can actually find things buried up to 5 feet under the earth. Our wiggly snouts are an amazing organ and we use them to dig in the ground.

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 12

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 12

Pig Tales

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 12 – So here’s the thing about pigs – not only do we like to listen to music – we have at least 20 different grunts and squeaks and noises. A pig’s squeal can range from an astonishing 110 to 115 decibels. No wonder we’re always communicating – we have a lot to say. Pig talk!

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 11

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 11

Pig Tales

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 11 – So here’s the thing about pigs – we have been known to save the lives of people. For the life of me I can’t imagine why – considering how humans treat us – but there are documented stories of pigs pulling  people out of rivers, bogs and pools. We have also been known to save drowning dogs and goats. And a Mother pig will fight for her piglets if she has the chance.

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Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 10

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 10

Pig Tales

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 10 – So here’s the thing about pigs – not only do some pigs have jobs – BUT pig heart valves are used to replace human heart valves. A pig doesn’t have to be Einstein to understand the significance of this – for a human to live a pig is gonna die. Yikes! And insulin and a couple of dozen other medicines and drugs come from pig products. Hey people – I don’t like that word “product” …

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