The Truth Has A Mighty Heart

 The Truth Has A Mighty Heart

Let me start by saying that I celebrate all humans who are kind to and respect animals – either their own or those with whom they interact in life. This post is in no way a condemnation of people. However it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words and never is this more true than when it comes to how humans treat animals.  The truth has a mighty heart and it will seek to be revealed. My goal with A Beating Heart is to raise awareness about the unseen – the unspoken – the unjust. The dirty little secrets that individuals – corporations and governments just don’t want us to think about. From factory farming to fur farms – animal shelters to animal fighting – rodeos – horsemeat and live animal shipment – to endangered animals who are currently on the red-line threatened list and are still slaughtered nonetheless.

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Horse Slaughter Is Flourishing

Horse Slaughter Is Flourishing

It is illegal to kill horses in many parts of the USA for their meat but horse slaughter is flourishing. What on earth to do with race horses who can no longer win? And all those unwanted, abandonned and no longer useful – but still profitable horses?  Well for heaven’s sake – just send them to Canada and Mexico – who happily throw open their borders to truck loads of terrfiied horses. That’s where to make some money. The animals are shipped in brutal conditions and killed with no compassion. Sound familiar?

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Elephant Tragedy On The Tracks In India

Another Elephant Tragedy On The Tracks In India

Elephant Family makes us aware of an elephant tragedy on the tracks in India. Sadly, another big tusk elephant has been killed. The elephant was hit by a speeding train travelling at 90 kmph. His bodywas dragged 200 metres down the track before the train stopped. Those investigating the accident found that a portion of his tusk had already been broken off. It was stolen by a nearby opportunist.

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Bob Barker – Elephant Advocate Against Circus Cruelty

Elephants Suffer Globally In The Circus

This is a disturbing video that is difficult to watch – which makes it that much more important. A real circus like Cirque Du Soleil has incredible performers, clowns, drama, magic and excitement. There are no elephants being tortured and prodded with electric shock tasers and bullhooks. No tigers are jumping through fire and no lions forming a pyramid.

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Elephants Are Endangered – What Are We Doing?

Elephants – Such Interesting Creatures!

Elephants are mammals and herbivores. In the wild they live in herds and roam in sub-Saharan Africa and south and south-east Asia. It is believed by many scientists and researchers that 30 million years ago they were aquatic with the trunk serving as their air source. Their early ancestors were most certainly the woolly mammoths.

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A Fascinating New Discovery About Dolphins

Dolphin Names – Really?

Few creatures in the animal world are as charismatic and beloved as the dolphin. In recent years, films such as The Cove, have brought them more into public consciousness. People are very aware of the Japanese slaughter of dolphins and animal welfare groups are trying to win greater protection for them world wide. Dolphins typically live in pods of between 10 to 30 members and they are known to have an elabortate communication system.

Dolphin Speak


In the wild, and it can easily be argued that dolphins should not be held in captivity for the amusement of humans,  they have active family groups and love to leap and jump and play. They are known to be incredibly intelligent, and in captivity, they are capable of  learning all the flips and tricks that human trainers demand of them. This video is especially amazing – in that these two dolphins design their own trick for the trainers.

This fact, combined with the Janaury 2013 publication by Proceedings of the Royal Society B, that dolphins call their close family members and buddies by name is astonishing. Dolphins routinely communicate through whistles, clicks, squawks and pulsing sounds – but the name call is a signature whistle. In the wild dolphins can communicate across distances of up to 12 miles.

Watch this 2011 video and really think about the implications of non-humans having a language of their own!

What Did Anadarko Oil In Texas Do When Greenpeace Called?

The Rainbow Warrior Calls Anadarko Oil – Texas

This is a great video from the Rainbow Warrior – in a call to Anadarko in Texas – and while it is respectful – there is no mistaking the strong message. New Zealand said no to nuclear pollution years ago and now people – New Zealanders and global citizens need to stand up and say no again to deep sea oil drilling in this pristine area of the sub-Antarctic.

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