Dog Fighting – Who Is Going To Jail?

Dog Fighting Consequences – Jail For Bronx Man

Every success in the world of animal abuse and cruelty is worth a standing ovation and the outcome of this case for the ASPCA in New York must be sweet. In June of 2012 a dog fighting operation was raided by the ASPCA. The dark, windowless basement of a 6 story apartment building in The Bornx was home to 50 dogs – aged 12 weeks to 5 years of age. The building superintendent – Raul Sanchez was charged with animal fighting which is a felony.

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Videos – What Is The Rainbow Warrior Doing In The Sub-Antarctic?

Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior In New Zealand’s Sub-Antarctic

This amazing video highlights The Rainbow warrior as it plys the seas in this incredibly beautiful World Heritage Area of the sub-Antarctic islands. The video highlights the need to protect this pristine site from deep sea oil-drilling. Watching the birds and the wildlife is absolutely magical and so emotionally uplifting.

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Rhino Poaching – Is There A Crisis?

Rhino Poaching Crisis

In an article on February 13, 2013 the Canadian Press by The Associated Press released the following figures. These numbers are alarming and this represents a tragedy in the making. There are 5 species of Rhinoceros, and of these, only the White Rhinoceros is not critically endangered. Still world leaders and CITES stands by and twiddle their collective thumbs. Poachers are decimating these animals.

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What Is An Andean Condor Doing With A Bull?

The Andean Condor

The Andean Condor is an endangered bird! That should mean something – but it seems that in Peru – even though this magnificent creature is deemed to be sacred and is revered by the people – it is NOT safe. In 2004 it became illegal to catch an Andean Condor. However in the Yawar festivals the birds are captured and then paraded through the streets to a bull ring. On the way – festival goers who have often imbibed  too many spirits – pluck out the feathers for good luck. As many as 55 of these festivals are held every year.

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Videos – Watch As Murera The Baby Elephant Recovers!

Murera An Injured Elephant Recovers

Such a great way to start a Monday morning with positive news about a baby elephant. Murera an injured, elephant orphan is recovering well after suffering severe injuries to her back legs. But it has been a long road back to health for the baby elephant. Watch as Dame Daphne Sheldrick talks about her rescue, treatment and on-going recovery at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya. It is believed that Murera may have stepped on a strip of poisoned darts.

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Videos – What Everyone Should Know About Cruelty In The Exotic Skins Industry.

Joaquin Phoenix – PETA – Exposing Cruelty In The Exotic Skins Industry

Joaquin Phoenix has been a long time supporter of Animal Welfare and Animal Rights. He worked with PETA to create a video to expose the brutality of the exotic skins industry. It provides people with shoes – belts – purses – briefcases and gloves made from the skins of snakes – crocodiles – alligators and lizards.

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Fashion and Fur – What Is The True Cost?

Fashion and Fur

Sadly – real fur is back. But the image above is faux fur! There is no reason to kill animals to have amazing fashion choices for shoppers world-wide. Lately it seems that many people just shrug off animal cruelty. Fortunately PETA and many other high profile organizations continue to highlight the atrocities of the fur industry and to champion the rights of animals.

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