Hippos – Is A Hippo Cute Or Dangerous?


The Hippopotamus – from the ancient Greek meaning – Horse of the River. These massive creatures are an amphibious mammal living in the rivers, lakes and swamps of sub-Saharan Africa. Typically a bull rules over a cow and calf.  However, he is happier when he has an extended family,  and there can be as many as 30 or 40 cows and calves in a pod – (apparently also called a bloat). The calves are born under water after an 8 month gestation period and are usually weaned at one year of age. It is thought that hippos and whales may share a common history going back over 54 million years.


Hippos live mostly in the water during the day and come out at dusk to feed on grasses. Under water their nostrils close and they can stay submerged for as long as 20 – 25 minutes, although they usually surface every 6 -7 minutes. Their bodies secrete a pinkish, oily substance that acts as a sunscreen to protect their skin – which is very thick and mostly hairless. Of the big African animals – Hippos are third in size – next to the Elephant and the Rhino. 


A hippo has enormous jaws that can open to 180 degrees and the ivory canine teeth are self-sharpening as they grid them together. It’s massive head can account for about a third of it’s total body weight. A large hippo can weigh as much as 4 tonnes and be 12 -15 feet long. Hippos have 4 webbed toes and short, stubby legs. But don’t assume that they are slow-moving behemoths. A hippo can run as fast as 30 to 40 km/hour for a short period of time, so he can easily outrun a human.


Even though they may appear to be passive creatures as they wallow away their days in the water – hippos are actually fierce, easily enraged and very aggressive. They are considerd to be one of the most dangerous creatures in Africa. Males will fight to the death and a female around her calf can be equally dangerous. They will attack without provocation and are responsibe for more human deaths than crocodiles and lions. They communicate with one another with fierce grunts and nosiy bellows. Their biggest enemy is man, although lions can bring down a baby or an ailing adult hippo.


The numbers of the big common Hippo are declining. They are experiencing habitat loss and are poached for their meat, which is illegal to sell, and for their huge ivory canine teeth which can be up to a foot in length. Hippos are a popular zoo animals and they breed well in captivity. So in spite of the popular holiday song – I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas – this is not an animal to ever under-estimate.

And Then There’s The Pygmy Hippo

The Pygmy Hippo – The Water Cow –  is found in West Africa. He is a water and forest dwelling animal who is half the height of his cousin and weighs about 75% less that the big Common Hippo. The Pygmy Hippo is a very secretive, and often solitary animal who lives on ferns and fruit. It is hunted for it’s meat and sadly is now on the Endangered List due to a loss of habitat due to forest clearing and human poaching.



Pygmy Hippos Can Live For 40-50 Years In A Zoo And Longer In The Wild.

The Little Guys – Is The Bee Endangered?

The Little Guys – Bees

This is the perfect place in my Blog to discuss anything that is important and topical to The Little Guys of the planet. Insects – rodents – small animals – city dwelling animals – spiders – nuisance creatures – skunks and bats – they all play a part in our inter-connected world. One of the first things that comes to mind is the on-going problem with dwindling bee populations. It was first noticed in the 1980’s and again 6 or 7 years ago. It is still a problem today and is now formally called Colony Collapse Disorder.
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Reptiles – Are They Really Creepy Crawlies?


What exactly is a reptile? Reptiles are neither bird nor mammal – they belong to the class – Reptilia. They are cold blooded which means that they cannot regulate their own body temperature. Rather it is modified to the environment they are in – and because they don’t have to burn calories maintaining their body temperature – they can eat less food.

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Sharks – What Is The Jaws Effect?


When Peter Benchley penned the now famous book Jaws – that was subsequently turned into a blockbuster movie of the same name – I’m sure he had no idea that the result would be to increase the already despised reputation of the shark. The shark is to the oceans as the lion is to the savannah – The King! But many people believe the shark to be a silent stalker – a stealthy, vicious killer and a man eating demon. Hatred comes from ignorance.

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Videos – Ellen – Ellen – Steve

Ellen – Ellen – Steve

This is so funny! I’m not sure why this doesn’t get old but for some reason it makes me laugh every time I see it. I have to admit that I’ve played it more than once at a time and the giggles just keep coming. I call it a perfect way to start your day!

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Videos – Can They Rescue This Baby Elephant From A Well?

Baby Elephant Rescued & Re-United With Her Mom

This is such a heart-warming video of a baby elephant who has fallen into a well. Her mother can’t get her out and is frantic with worry. After some fits and starts she is finally rescued by park workers from The Amboseli Trust in Kenya. She runs off to be re-united with her Mom. Such a feel good ending to a happy story – very sweet.

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Bear Sanctuary – Saved Or Not?

Bear Sanctuary Saved In Vietnam

It’s so nice to be able to post a wonderful animal news story. This bear sanctuary in Vietnam, home to bears who have been rescued from cruel and deplorable conditions in bear bile farms, was scheduled to be closed so the land could be developed. There was an incredible online outcry from around the world. People wrote letters and signed petitions.

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