Our Common Goal
- At January 05, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

Our Common Goal
The Power Of Animal Activism
Our Common Goal – I post Heart Beats For Change every day because I know they make a difference. People add comments and share them all the time. This year over the holidays I received this note from a Facebook friend – (you know who you are) – who is also a committed animal activist with a strong, gentle heart. Thank you.
“Dear Rosemary – so many thanks for all the beauty of your soul. Your spirit has guided me to deep reflection. Your compositions are so inspirational. It has been a unique privilege to be allowed to share your vision. Peace, joy and good health. Happy New Year – xxx”.
I was deeply touched by these kind words – because as every animal activist knows – there are days when we wonder if the things we do – the countless hours that we spend on difficult animal issues and the sadness – matter at all. The cruelty is endless. I have had to learn that whenever I see an image of an abused, tortured or dead animal who has lost his life to human ignorance and perversion – that I can’t help that particular animal. I must move on to the cause of the living!
I must keep my eyes on those animals who are still in need of human intervention. It takes a strong soul to keep going with animal issues. This is why comments like the one above are so incredibly important.
The animal activism movement is one of the most important crusades of our time. Those who understand “cruelty” know that humans will never know peace until we understand kindness and compassion. Peace is not possible in a climate of power mongering, elitism, corruption, cruelty and greed.
Animal activism and the championing of the environment are the most powerful and necessary causes in the world today. This is a movement that cannot be denied – slowed down – diverted – bought off or changed. It is growing every day. More and more people are becoming vegetarian and vegan. Marches, protests and events are being held for Mother Nature and animals all over the world. The great “they” – (governments and corporations) try to bully people legally but this movement will never be silent.
It has a tender but powerful global heart. We are connected. We support each other. We champion our victories and mourn our losses. We are not motivated by money – power – celebrity or status. We are driven by character, strong conviction and a deep and abiding realization of what is ethically and morally correct.
We recognize that animals have just as much right to enjoy their lives as do we. They are not objects or products – they are living beings with a path to follow on this planet. They are not ours to use and destroy. We currently kill 70 billion land animals every year. The cost of this death, violence, cruelty and destruction cannot be sustained by the earth. There are viable, economically sound alternatives.
As with any change that enters the global consciousness – there is a backlash by those who do not want the course of countries, societies and cultures to change. Followers and supporters are labelled as – protesters – dangerous radicals and now conveniently as terrorists. Vegans are weird. Kind hearted people are denigrated as soft, liberal tree huggers. Environmentalists are accused of damaging economies (read big business) with their rules and regulations.
Fortunately for those of us who care – we are not deterred. We have a common message that is not altered by the boundaries of countries. We see Africa’s lions and elephants – just as we see Scotland’s badgers, Canada’s polar bears, the pigs on factory farms in Italy, the chickens in barns in Missouri, the tortured bulls and galgos in Spain, the dolphins in the Taiji Cove or the fur farm animals in China or Norway – as important. They are the animals of our planet and they need our protection and our voices. They do not “belong” to mankind.
So never doubt that every small thing that you do in animal activism in any country in the world matters a great deal. Every time you speak out and create awareness – you are responsible for opening up someone’s thinking or softening a hardened heart. When I started A Beating Heart – I had no idea if it would matter. Now – I know that it does.
Get involved – the time and energy you spend on activism may be emotionally draining – but it will also be the most important thing you ever do. You will never meet better people than those who will grace your life in this global movement. It will change who you are and how you view the world around you.
Our common goal of standing up together for our environment and our animals is the most important mission of our age and a cause that is more noble, timely and necessary than any of its kind in history. I say a profound thank you to every animal and environmental activist working in the world today.