We Are All Connected
- At January 17, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

We Are All Connected
Animal Warriors Share The Same Strong Heart
We Are All Connected – this is a premise that has been around for centuries – a belief that through some magical dance in the cosmic realms – we are all where we’re supposed to be – doing what we’re meant to do and connecting with those people with whom we can make a difference. This premise is certainly true in the championing of animals globally. The 6 degrees of separation of strong minds and compassionate hearts is irrefutable.
When I started my animal blog – A Beating Heart – I wanted to connect with other people around the world who cared about animal issues – to try to create awareness about their suffering and to make a contribution to positive change. I wasn’t sure that I could but I wanted to try!
At the time I had a logo done to represent A Beating Heart. My wonderful graphic artist Melissa Stewart’s vision was of a puzzle elephant representing the broken species of animals around the world – but with a strong heart indicating that with hope and love – we will triumph.
I loved her concept and the logo came to life. It has been followed by more of her handiwork and I use the graphics on my blog, social media and in my newsletters. It has become a distinctive and effective image and I change the text as inspiration dictates.
During the time that I’ve been blogging I was fortunate to meet Monica Gilbert – an Australian animal rights activist and a kindred spirit. We have never met face to face but across the miles I recognize her kind heart and her light. We once had an online encounter with two vile women who hated animal activists and we formed a connection as they spewed their vitriol and hatred.
Monica is on my mailing list for my newsletters and has always been supportive of my writing and animal posts. So she is a “virtual sister” – an animal soldier!
Part one of my ABH newsletter hit the airwaves this week and I received this e-mail from Monica:
Hello Rosemary,
I went into my local pharmacy this morning and there, on the bench behind the pharmacist’s assistant who was serving me, was the most beautiful cloisonné elephant. Standing about 8-10 inches high in total. Obviously not real cloisonné but from a distance of a few feet it looked just like the A Beating Heart elephant. I was so tempted to ask the woman to put it away but I really can’t afford it.
Just wanted to let you know how far ABH has spread. To think that a ‘nick knack’ in a chemist’s shop in a tiny little town like Harrington made me think of you and ABH.
I was so touched that Monica took the time to write to say that half way around the world there was an elephant statue that made her think of A Beating Heart. We are indeed all connected and it is so important for animal activists to reach out to one another with gratitude, support, understanding and love. Helping animals can be a lonely obsession and it is not to be taken lightly. The term “compassion fatigue” is a very real thing and we must all protect our hearts and minds.
We do that when we support each other. I am so grateful for Monica and all the other people around the world I have gotten to know over the last two years. Together we are a force to be reckoned with and we are not going away.
So reach out to your comrades – the people in your various groups online and those you see at marches – protests and events and say “thank you”. The power of words to inspire – soothe – support and empower can never be taken for granted. Thank You Monica Gilbert – you are a person who matters – this post is for you!
Louise Bogan 1897 – 1970 – American Poet – offers a lovely thought that is apropos for animal activists:
“In a time lacking in truth and certainty and filled with anguish and despair – no woman should be shamefaced in attempting to give back to the world – through her work – a portion of its lost heart”
Further She Says:
“I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering – surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy!”
For Our Animals I Pray That It Does!