Factory Farming Evil – Part 2 – Veal

Factory Farming Evil – Part 2 – Veal

 Factory Farming Evil – Part 2 – Veal – The very concept of “factory farming” is heinous – maximum profit – minimum care – over crowding – appalling cruelty – the lobbying for ag-gag laws – lack of oversight and inspections – confined living space – no vet care – untrained, ignorant and often cruel workers – crowded transport to slaughterhouses – long distance live transport from countries of origin – forced living in filth – dank and dark buildings – no fresh air or sunlight – forced feeding and deprivation. At the end of it all a terrified animal is slaughtered in gruesome fashion!

It is a global problem – a global disgrace and the perpetrators need to be named and shamed and in some cases brought to justice, fined and jailed. The cruelty is egregious. 


The sadness of the veal industry is palpable. Male calves taken from the warm bond with their mothers shortly after birth – grieving – terrified – chained or confined in narrow stalls or sheds – fed gruel and then transported and killed at a few month of age. All so “you” can have veal. Wide-eyed, terrified calves often try to suckle the fingers of the slaughterhouse workers as they are forced down kill chutes.

This poem is for every veal calf – regardless of country of origin. We know about you – we are trying to help you – we see you – we hear you and we care. The recent Mercy For Animals video of veal calves in Quebec, Canada has again shone a light on this appalling “business”. You can visit their website for details.



A Veal Calf

Rosemary Wright – August 21, 2014


                 I know there is a beautiful place                

Where kindness reigns with love and grace

Where Mother watches me sleep at night

And nothing can dim the morning light.


Instead my stall is dank and still

My legs are weak and sore

I can’t lie down or stretch or mill

My broken heart has lost its core.


Curled fists crash down on my head

I know in my soul I would rather be dead.

I struggle to turn – I see the eyes of a brother

And briefly recall the sweet face of my Mother.


I dream of fields and warm sunshine

Of running free and life sublime

Instead I wait – can this be real

Yes it is – I’m becoming your veal.


And one day soon when I’m on your plate

Will you ever ponder my dreadful fate

And wonder why you stole my life

Why I paid so dearly under your knife!