Fighting The Taiji Slaughter – Sea Shepherd Will Not Stop
- At February 10, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

Fighting The Taiji Slaughter – Sea Shepherd Will Not Stop
Dolphin Families Have A Right To Life
Fighting The Taiji Slaughter – Sea Shepherd Will Not Stop – In 1996 Hillary Clinton wrote a book entitled “It Takes A Village”. The name was in recognition of the old African Proverb – It Takes A Village To Raise A Child. The tragedy at Taiji is a clarion call to global citizens that It Will Take The World To End The Dolphin Slaughter.
Join The February 13, 2015 global protest to end this outrageous brutality. Canadians will be raising their voices in Toronto – Vancouver and Ottawa at the following locations on Friday February 13, 2015.
11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
77 King Street West
Suite 3300, TD North Tower
Toronto, ON M5K 1A1
900-1177 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC, V6E 2K9
255 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1N 9E6, Canada
The terrified dolphins and small whales – once surrounded – are driven into the killing cove. They have no chance of survival. Family pods are forever shattered. The most beautiful are selected for a lifetime of captivity in vulgar aquariums and stifling tanks around the world. The less attractive are slaughtered and butchered for their meat.
Japan – a country who claims “honour” as their watchword – refuses to end this annual 6 month orgy of violence and brutality. The killing of some of the most intelligent, engaged and family oriented creatures on earth is sinful. From September until February The Cove runs red. Death is not fast – quiet or pretty. A steel spike is driven into the back of the dolphin near their blowhole to sever the spine. These magnificent cetaceans die slowly.
Right now as you are reading – dolphins are being hunted – suffering or dying. On rare Blue Cove Days – we rejoice. Red Cove Days are more common. Sea Shepherd has people at The Cove every day to bear witness to the lost lives and to tell their stories. In 2010 Operation Infinite Patience was established and the Cove Guardians began their critically important vigil – to live stream the atrocities.
The dolphin slaughter will end – but a village will not succeed in this endeavour. It will take the World to accomplish this feat. Be part of the movement to shine a light on the tragedy at Taiji. Let Blue Cove Days become the norm. One can only imagine the ghosts who swim in these waters! But knowing the intelligence of these gentle and loving animals – I know they mean no harm – they are there only to honour their dead.
For Details About The Toronto Protest Contact Anastasia Brady
Coordinator At Sea Shepherd Conservation Society