The Lion Kids – The Last Of The Lion Art
- At June 10, 2014
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

The Lion Kids – The Last Of The Lion Art
The Lion Kids – The Last Of The Lion Art – The International Lion March was held in 62 cities around the world on March 15, 2014 and as part of the awareness effort to end Canned Lion Hunting – kids did lion drawings for their parents or teachers.
Rosanna Ng from Hong Kong had an amazing collection of art pictures that she sent me. I also received art from a number of other cities and it made for an amazing collection. I did a number of posts after the march to highlight the work of The Lion Kids. Their visions of the plight of lions were clever, touching, very aware – sometimes sad but always acutely real and evocative.
These are a few of my personal favourites. I think they would make “brilliant” tee-shirts for fundraisers – I’d buy these in a heart beat and I bet other people would as well. Something for the organizers to think about.
These are the last of the pictures – they are small thumbnails but still noteworthy and deserving of a place of honour. I really hope that kids will do more art for the upcoming march in October.
Thank You To All The Lion Kids Who Contributed – You Are Amazing!