March 15, 2014 – Global Lion March
- At March 03, 2014
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

March 15, 2014 – Global Lion March
An Unprescedented Global Outpouring Of Support For Lions And A Demand For The End Of Canned Lion Hunting
March 15, 2014 – Global Lion March – People in 55 cities around the world are standing together on March 15, 2014 to stand up for lions. We are not asking nicely that canned lion huntimg be stopped – we are demanding that it be banned with a mighty world-wide ROAR.
This is NOT right – we know it – the greedy lion farmers know it – the corrupt politicians who are complicit in this travesty know it and we will not be silent. Lions are endangered. They are not toys or sport or a lion-head trophy or a hide or lion bones for wine or phony “traditional” medicine. These are majestic, sentient creatures with a sophisticated pride (family) and they are deserving of freedom – dignity and respect.
Lions do not belong on lion farms – in warehouses – petting zoos – lion walks or fenced enclosures waiting to die. No self-respecting hunter would engage in this “sport”. Lions are NOT the drugged play things of ignorant, depraved, rich, amoral killers who call themselves “hunters”. These men and women have plenty of money but no moral compass and they lack the intellectual capacity to comprehend that humnas do not own lions – lions share the earth with us. These people kill for fun like the – pampered – protected cowards that they are – lacking in a true hunter’s expertise or understanding of fairness.
So have a look at who is marching . We are committed – we are angry – we will not be intimidated – we will not be silent and we demand an end to this heinous industry – not in some phased-in 3 or 5 year plan that needs to be studied and debated – but NOW!