Why Do People Abuse And Kill Animals – Part 1
- At June 11, 2014
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues
Why Do People Abuse And Kill Animals – Part 1
Why Do People Abuse And Kill Animals – Part 1 – The simple answer is two-fold. People abuse and kill animals because they want to and because they can. I’m not writing an in-depth psychological article here about unresolved childhood angst – psychopathic behaviour – losing one’s temper – bullying or currently accepted industrial animal standards.
Instead I’m trying to demonstrate in very simple terms why people do what they do to animals. There are obviously different culturally, legally, socially and morally accepted behaviours that allow people to do things that others are appalled by. I understand that cruelty is not a simple concept and there are times when people are cruel when there was no pre-meditation in the behaviour.
Perhaps you left your dogs too long after work when a meeting ran late and then you had an important commitment that you couldn’t change. By the time you got home your pets had soiled their beds – were out of food and water and needed to go outside. Was this cruel – yes – was it planned and egregious – no.
There is a difference between deliberate and unintentional cruelty to an animal. It doesn’t make the unintentional cruelty right but it does make it understandable. Deliberately hurting animals is another issue altogether.
People make decisions every day – all day that involve cruelty to animals. It is a 24 hour a day – 7 days a week – 365 days a year venture. There is not one second “ever” – when an animal is not suffering somewhere in the world. THINK about that. The sole reason for this cruelty is people. Animals suffer and die every year by the billions.
Deliberate cruelty be divided into two categories – personal and industrial/business. Personal cruelty is a choice – made by a man, woman or child who wants to inflict pain.
Industrial (factory) farming or the business of animals such as canned lion farms in South Africa or a circus in the USA – is a choice made by profit driven groups. The animals are a “product” to be exploited and the motivation is profit. There is very little – if any – concern for the animals.
Politically driven government culling of a species such as the American roundup of wild horses or the Australian killing of sharks or the badger culls in the UK are examples of politicians buckling to party or lobbying pressure. Individually these politicians might not approve but they vote as part of a group. These creatures are a nuisance to be obliterated.
All animal cruelty is planned – decided upon and carried out by humans and it happens for simple reasons. Animal cruelty occurs because it is expedient – there are non existent, limited or non-enforced laws to prevent it and there are next to no consequences when it is discovered. This is what we humans do. Animals have NO rights.
Personal Animal Cruelty:
The list is endless and as varied as are the perpetrators who carry out these acts of brutality. These are just a few of the examples of animal cruelty from around the world that have been in the news recently.
Teenagers throwing cats against a wall repeatedly
Owners deliberately setting dogs on fire. “Hope” was doused with kerosene and set on fire. An arrest was made.
Dragging dogs to death behind a car or truck.
Starving animals – cats – dogs – horses and donkeys.
Abandoning animals we no longer want.
Putting cats in jars to die. Putting kittens through a dishwasher cycle.
Animal crush videos – very popular in Asian countries.
Skinning animals alive as “art”.
“Destroying” animals that have become inconvenient because we are too lazy to find solutions. This happens all over the world. No country is without fault – some are making more progress than others.
Kicking – beating – whipping – drowning – wall or ground slamming animals – hanging dogs – cats – puppies and kittens.
People do these things because they can. They want to feel powerful – to have control over a helpless victim – due to peer pressure – to hurt a child or spouse – for fun because they enjoy inflicting pain – to be an accepted member of a group or gang – because they are angry. They may be twisted psychologically. They may want to prove to authority figures that they can get away with their behaviour – in most cases they do.
The behaviour gives people the result that they want. They will usually repeat it until they run headlong into a “consequence” that they don’t want. If the consequence has enough “bite” – they will take notice!
This cruelty – that so many kind and compassionate people abhor – will go on unchecked until humanity as a global collective evolves to a point of recognizing that animals are sentient beings who have families, complex emotional systems – who suffer pain and joy and fear – who love and who – more than anything – want to live the lives they were born to have.
Most day I am ashamed to be part of the human race – but I am equally determined to create as much awareness about animal issues as I possibly can. My personal commitment to animals will not allow me to walk away from this shame but to tackle it head on – with emotional courage and passion. Please do your part in whatever way you can!
If not for us – the animals have no one!
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