Why Do People Abuse And Kill Animals – Part 2

Why Do People Abuse And Kill Animals – Part 2

Why Do People Abuse And Kill Animals – Part 2 – as I mentioned in Part 1 of this topic – people abuse and kill animals because they want to and because they can. The reasons for abuse are not complicated – but the human behaviour behind the abuse is complex and long standing – and in most cases – without consequences to the perpetrator.

The personal abuse of animals is never-ending and pervasive in every culture in the world. People feel entitled to abuse “dumb animals” who they feel are “less than” humans and therefore disposable and replaceable. The thought that an animal has a rich emotional life and a strong desire to live does not register with an abuser.

It is easy to see why – on another level – the use of animals as an industrial product or a business generating commodity would garner the same base belief – disposable and replaceable – but this time for money!

The Industrial Business Abuse Of Animals

Once the profit motive is added to the mix – the use of animals in the most profitable, efficient, inexpensive way possible becomes the top priority. In the category of “industrial abuse” – factory farming – has no equal in cruelty. In Canada – the USA – South America – Europe and the UK to name a few – animals have no quality of life and are abused physically and mentally for the duration of their lives.

There are no green meadows and babbling brooks – no rolling in the sand or playing in the mud. There is only severe confinement – artificial lighting – filthy stalls – cramped cages – noise – injury – abuse – fear and the presence of humans who offer no kindness or compassion. These farmed animals are objects – to be used and moved through a growth and service cycle to eventual shipment and  slaughter.

This Mercy For Animals Video Is Graphic:

In the USA – many states have already – or are considering implementing – “Big Ag Gag Laws” to make it illegal to film these facilities undercover. The farming industry is big (profitable) business with powerful lobbyists.

Most countries have some sort of animal “welfare” laws  – but the actual enforcement is sketchy. Inspectors are supposed to do their jobs but that is questionable at best. Any industry that has a component of “self-policing” is a joke!

Factory Farming (even the name is offensive) – is never about the animals – it is about profit and greed. When an operation is exposed by undercover video – the management suits and the owners look at the film footage – throw up their hands – express shock and promise reform and accountability.  

The animals that are commonly factory farmed for profit include:

Chickens – boilers and egg producers.


Dairy Cows.




Veal Calves


As Far As The Eye Can See


Others that suffer the same barbaric treatment globally include:

Sheep and Lambs.


Alligators – Snakes.





Live animal export – perhaps one of the most appallingly brutal forms of animal abuse in existence – Australia is a prime offender.

Fur Farmed Animals and the Foie Gras industry are also examples of horribly confined and brutally slaughtered animals.

The Business Abuse Of Animals – Wild And Domestic

Where there is a dollar to be made from animal suffering – you will find a human willing to inflict that misery. Different global cultures tolerate unbelievable cruelty – and in most cases – nothing is done to protect the animals. Laws are not enforced – lobbying causes politicians to turn a blind eye and profit over compassion is the accepted standard.

This is a list of just some of the ways that animals are used and abused for financial gain.

Trophy hunting  – a massively prosperous business – for enough money you can kill any animal – elephants – lions – tigers – cheetahs – leopards – a wide variety of bears – polar bears – zebras – giraffes – rhinos – hippos – wild boar to name a few. 

Canned animal farms – where rich trophy hunters slaughter lions – tigers – big game – zebras – giraffes etc.

Asian bear bile farms.

The established and road side circus business.

Rodeos and badly managed zoos. Remember this year when the Copenhagen Zoo slaughtered 18 month old Marius the giraffe and the family of 4 lions. All these animals could have been successfully re-homed elsewhere. This is a crime!



Horse racing.

Greyhound racing.

Monkeys used for performing – begging and experimentation


The poaching of animals – lions – tigers – elephants and rhinos are being poached to eventual extinction if global governments do not act.

Puppy – cat and rabbit mills.

Dog fighting (other cultures also fight birds – camels – stallions – kangaroos).

Bull fighting in all its heinous forms.

Animal sacrifice in the name of religion – China – Nepal – India are disgusting offenders


Bear and wolf baiting.

The trapping of fur bearing animals in conjunction with a backward and callous fashion industry.

Whales – dolphins – sharks.

Crush videos (common in Asian countries) and beastiality brothels (Denmark and the USA) among others.

If a person can think of a way to exploit an animal for profit – he or she will willingly participate. No animal “anywhere” is safe. Now add into the mix the profit driven – morally bankrupt individual who abuses for pleasure and it is easy to see why the voiceless amongst us are indeed trapped in a holocaust of suffering and slaughter unprecedented in human history.

Like these reasons for abuse:

1)   People want to abuse animals.

2)   People can abuse animals.

People abuse animals because:

1)   There are no consequences to their behaviour (either personally or at a business level).

2)   Animals have no legally entrenched rights.

And the short – and once again simple – answer to the question – when will this change is easy. It will change when human consciousness is awakened to the abuse that is allowed to befall animals. When one world leader has the determination to speak out – when global justice systems have the courage to stand up to injustice – when animal abuse becomes taboo –  when a global system of animals rights and laws are enacted and punishments are fast and severe and involve heavy fines and incarceration. When lobbying and political corruption are dealt with seriously and when education and awareness force people to see that all sentient beings have a right to the life that was given to them at birth.

In the absence of the growth of human global responsibility and a strong moral compass – people are doomed – as they should be. As we abuse – slaughter – rape and pillage our planet and our animals – and as we reproduce at an alarming and unnecessary rate ourselves – it is obvious that the planet cannot sustain our carnage. Our oceans cannot survive and the atmosphere has a point of no return. The wanton destruction of rain forests and the plunder of our earth for oil and resources cannot be sustained. We may already be at a point of no return.

People have learned nothing since we first walked upon the earth and the real crime of humanity is that our actions affect the planet itself and every sentient being who is born onto it. We now slaughter “billions” of animals every year for human “consumption” – and not a single animal dies with any dignity, kindness or compassion. Is this the best that we can be?

If you turn away from the reality of how we are treating the planet and its inhabitants – you are culpable. If you think you are busy with career and kids and “stuff’ and are therefore excused from participation – you are part of the problem. If you think that if you don’t look at the graphic pictures it is not happening – you are in denial as to your role as a human being. Life is not all about you – we are in this world together. We humans are allowing this cruelty – and that means you!

I am pleased to know that millions of human beings do care and are trying to effect change. In a world with a population of 7 billion –  approximately 750 million people are now vegan and vegetarian. With every kindness showed – ever letter written – every petition signed – every animal rescued – every march organized and – every mind changed and every heart opened – we are extending the respect for all life that is necessary if the planet is to survive.