Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 30
- At January 05, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 30
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 30 – Iggy Oink is very sad whenever he thinks of piglets who happen to be born as the runt of a litter or with a small deformity of some sort. They aren’t deemed to be worthy of life and are NOT wanted by the farm. What to do?
And something else I want to remind you of – the answer of course of to kill them. This is how humans deal with unwanted animals – they kill them. Is this done is a kind and gentle way? No. In factory farming – there is an accepted practice called “thumping” where a piglet is held by his 2 back feet and his head and body are slammed onto a concrete floor or against a wall. Many babies are not killed immediately and are left to a die a painful and terrifying death. If you eat pork – you agree with this cruelty – you are the problem!
So Are You Proud To Be Human?
Make No Mistake – You Are Paying Others To Do This For You!