Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 33
- At January 08, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 33
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 33 – Iggy Oink is asking you to think about what a pig experiences when he or she is driven out of a filthy transport truck – down a kill chute and onto the killing floor of a slaughterhouse. This happens all over the world. The animals can smell the fear and the blood – they hear the death screams of the pigs ahead of them and they see the cruelty of the killing. They are aware. They know what is coming and they are afraid.
Something else Iggy wants you to consider is what you are consuming when you eat animal products. You are ingesting the fear – the pain – the cruelty – the desperation and the last heart beat of a living, breathing creature whose life was stolen to satisfy your appetite. Humans justify eating meat as a right – a necessity and a tradition. It’s what we do and who we are. Animals are here to serve us. Really look at the pictures below and just imagine what the last minutes of a life are like. Show me the difference in the colour of pig and human blood. Who do we think we are?