Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 53
- At February 05, 2015
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 53
Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 53 – Iggy Oink is just asking you to think about the business of “factory farming”. They operate on the following premise: 1) Spend less money on the animals 2) Force them to live in small dense quarters 3) Don’t let the public see what is going on 4) Pass laws to prevent people from investigating them 5) Hire smart marketing people to make our products look kind and humane = LOTS MORE PROFIT for us. Yippee!
Iggy is reminding you that the reality of factory farming is a LONG way from bubbling brooks – green pastures – fresh straw beds and apple treats at bedtime! Wake up to what you pay others to do for you – abuse – torture – kill. There is NO humanity in factory farming – even in the sham of “free range”. There is only a balance sheet …