Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 55

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink 55

Pig Tales by Iggy Oink – 55 – Iggy Oink is really sad – thinking about all the pigs that are loaded onto trucks in this weather – minus 13 degrees and trucked for hours in the frigid cold to be killed so you can eat meat. With the wind whistling through the truck vents – pigs freeze to death – suffer serious frostbite and endure cruelty you cannot even imagine. Are you really okay with this? If so – can you please explain “why” to me! Why Is the Canadian government allowing this? Iggy is waiting …



Iggy is asking you to read this message from 

Hannah Gregus of Toronto Pig Save
We honor her bravery and compassion.
“This morning there were only two other people, including myself. We stood in -13 degree cold for an hour and a half while in that time 8 transport trucks full of freezing, frost-bitten and suffering pigs passed by. One stopped at a red light for only moments and I managed to capture the photos posted here. The pigs were so sweet, peeking out at me from inside their frozen prison. They looked so cold. I can’t begin to imagine the feeling of bare skin traveling at over 100 mp/h on the highway, especially on a day like today.

My heart aches for these animals. I only hope these photos will inspire change and raise awareness to what these animals are going through. They provide evidence for the innocent suffering of abused animals before the ‘product’ they are so violently turned into. These photos…are the last we will ever see of them alive, in one piece.

With so many alternatives available, why choose cruelty? Why choose to pollute your body and our earth to only contribute to the mass suffering of millions of humans and billions of animals around the world? You can make a difference and it starts with everything you eat, every single day.”

Learn more: http://tinyurl.com/kv6evgm

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See the full album from which this photo was taken:https://www.facebook.com/hgregus/posts/10152693357473977