Poetry – A Veal Calf

Poetry – A Veal Calf

The Power Of The Written Word

Poetry – A Veal Calf – Just as a song can draw us into its melody and connect us to the power at its core – a well crafted poem can deliver a  message of hope, despair, humour, love, honour, kinship or compassion. A poet can move us to tears or laughter and with just one phrase – transport us to a time long past or an event about to take place.

A Veal Calf

 I know there is a beautiful place                

Where kindness reigns with love and grace

Where Mother watches me sleep at night

And nothing can dim the morning light.


Instead my stall is dank and still

My legs are weak and sore

I can’t lie down or stretch or mill

My broken heart has lost its core.


Curled fists crash down on my head

I know in my soul I would rather be dead.

I struggle to turn – see the eyes of a brother

And briefly recall the sweet face of my Mother.


I dream of fields and warm sunshine

Of running free and life sublime

Instead I wait – can this be real

Yes it is – I’m becoming your veal.


And one day soon when I’m on your plate

Will you ever ponder my dreadful fate

And wonder why you stole my life

Why I paid so dearly under your knife!






































































Rosemary Wright – August 2014

Think about your food choices and the victims whose lives are stolen too soon!