The Rock That Is Animal Activism

The Rock That Is Animal Activism

The Rock That Is Animal Activism – When you throw your heart against the “rock” that is animal activism – be prepared for it to come back to you bloodied, twisted and torn. But come back to you it will – because once you have really surrendered your heart to a calling as noble as that of beautiful sentient beings – there is no going back.

Your heart will bend but never be broken

Your resolve will be shaken but never shattered

Your doubts will increase but never overwhelm you

Your tolerance will falter but never leave you

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Your sense of justice will be tested but never fail you

Your kindness will increase – your compassion will shine

heart on a rock

Every time you throw your heart against the rock of animal cruelty

It will chip away – bit by bit – at that sheer granite surface

Small fracture lines will appear on that rock

And your heart – never broken – will return to you

Stronger – braver – wiser – triumphant

Willing and able to carry on!


 If We Fail To Be Their Voice Because We are “Troubled” By Images Of Cruelty

They Have No One! 

Animal Activism & Animal Cruelty Are Opposite Sides Of The Same Great Rock!