Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – April 14, 2004
- At April 14, 2014
- By Rosemary Wright
- In My Column
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Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – April 14, 2004
A Great Salad
Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – April 14, 2004 – I finished work today about 6:30 P.M. and headed home. On the way I got a sudden, very intense craving for a Big Harv, fries and a vanilla shake. This hunger for beef had nothing to do with me being heavy with child and having (a little dill pickle craving) because of course I’m not. That would be a scientific impossibility.
There is a greater chance of Bozo The Clown being elected President of the good old U.S. of A. – than of me being pregnant. It was an acute hungry-man “I want beef” craving. Not to make light of pregnancy cravings, but this was different – I needed a Big Harv! I had a substantial amount of coffee today with a couple of clients, and perhaps that was a contributing factor. Coffee and beef?
At any rate just as my car was driving of its own accord towards Harvey’s, I grabbed the steering wheel and wrestled it into submission. Instead I turned up Coxwell and headed home. Augie and I went for a spin down the lane on bathroom parade and then home for supper. I fed The Alphabet Boys and then opened the fridge door, eager to see something as tempting as a burger and a side of fries. Well, needless to say it wasn’t to be. Then I thought of my pudgy little fat cells just chomping at the bit for some fatty food, and thought “Oh no you don’t I’m in control here”.
I whipped open the crisper and plopped everything in sight onto the counter. Out came the cutting board, my chef’s knife and my favourite salad bowl. Accessorizing the table is an important element of enjoying a meal, so I prepared a nice setting with a real linen napkin, for my dining pleasure. I started with a bed of fresh romaine lettuce followed by generous portions of baby carrots, cucumbers, green peppers, chopped radishes, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and baked crotons.
This I topped off with a dash of creamy poppy seed dressing, a dusting of fresh ground pepper and crumbled feta cheese. A glass of lime Perrier and I was set. I sat in the den and watched the news as I devoured my masterpiece. I, of the demographic of health conscious middle-aged, slightly plump woman, had triumphed over adversity. Big Harv was a distant craving and I was a kitchen goddess – creator of a salad sublime – a rhapsody of rabbit food extraordinaire.
A big slab of chocolate cake would have been nice as a reward for my abstinence, but I refrained, in part because I have no cake in the house. I’m a shining example of delayed gratification or maybe that should be denied gratification. I don’t feel stuffed to the gills and I got my necessary servings of vegetables, as recommended by Canada’s Food Guide. What a woman!
Now don’t for a moment think I’m not going to indulge my craving for a Big Harv and fries. I think I’ll save it as a reward for a day when a massive injection of calories is indicated – perhaps right after my next fast. Just kidding. However, it’s nice to know that I have a burger waiting in the wings and that I can have it any day I want – just not today.
POST SCRIPT – today – a burger would NEVER be on my menu! How life changes …