Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – March 28, 2004

Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – March 28, 2004

A Brutal Cold

Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – March 28, 2004 – I’ve been lucky this year. It’s almost the end of March and I’ve only been plagued by a couple of scratchy throats and a few days when I felt tired and achy. It would have been unlikely to make it through the winter season without a cold, but I was nearing the finish line.

Unfortunately this week I won the ‘cold sweepstakes’ and I’ve been felled by a brutal virus – origins unknown. Said bug has attacked my throat (burning) and chest (congested) and limbs (aching). I need to get out the Dobell’s Solution, throat lozenges and a super hankie. This kind of cold keeps me housebound, bundled up in my jammies, thick socks and a sweat shirt. Between bouts of bed for extra sleep and the sofa in the den for watching mindless re-runs on television, it gives me time to think about the gift of good health.


For some unknown reason, most of us take our health for granted until we get sick. Then we become instant babies, moaning about how ill we are. We want to be mollycoddled. Because I live alone, the buck stops with me. I have to get up to make my own tea and that gives me extra moaning rights and today, I intend to take full advantage. Moan -moan – moan!

I’ve spent the day resting and taking various and sundry cold remedies, watching television and sleeping, because I really don’t want this illness to linger. I have a long history of pneumonia, bronchitis and colds, and I take, even minor colds very seriously. During periods of wakefulness I’ve thought about how fortunate I am to be healthy, and that brings me back to my dilemma with sticking with my exercise program.

When I’m sick I realize that I should never neglect my body and my health. If nothing else, a bad cold should trigger my desire to be in the best possible shape. Exercise and good nutrition are the secret weapons responsible for the gift of continued health, and as soon as my white blood cells have rallied and driven this cold to parts unknown – I’m going to get back on track. There is no excuse – ever – for ignoring my health!