Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – March 31, 2004

Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – March 31, 2004

What Do They Say About March?

Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – March 31, 2004 – They say if “March comes in like a lion – it goes out like a lamb”. That sort of sums up how I’m feeling right now. Meek like a lamb. The weather is certainly behaving. The snow has vanished. The days are longer, mild and damp, but this miserable cold bug I have is hanging on well after it has any right to do so!

The Lion Of March



I’m feeling a tad sorry for myself, and a bit frumpy and wimpy. Not down and out by any means, just a little ‘blah’. I think it’s the “red nose from bad cold – end of winter blues” that have attached themselves to my psyche. This is where – blah – blah – blah really comes in handy. What a great word. What to do? A re-cap of my blessings is always a good place to start.

The Much Preferred Lamb Of March


I’m well acquainted with how fortunate I am to live where I do, to have the wonderful career that I have and the support of my friends and family. I’m thankful at an intellectual level. Perhaps what I’m missing is the real gut level appreciation of just how much I have to be grateful for. If I really understood, I couldn’t possibly be in this silly, feeling sorry for myself, grumble-bumble frame of mind. But I need to whine today.

Hey, maybe that’s okay and I should just accept this bit of lamb-like meekness for what it is and then move on. I’m a bit frustrated with work right now, as are some of my clients. It’s not always easy to find the right match of person to home and my clients share the same disappointments I do. But it always works out in the end. I know that.

I don’t have anyone to look after me so I’m obliged to do it for myself. But that can’t be all bad – I get to make all the decisions. I have to go out tonight for an hour or so with a client, but when I get home I’m going to have a nice hot bath, a cup of tea and watch a movie. Okay- I’m home now, after a brief detour to the L.C.B.O. for a big bottle of Napoleon Brandy. Did I sday “tea” – I really meant “booze”.

Mind you, this is strictly for medicinal purposes and on the advice of my physician, who is a highly trained and thoroughly experienced individual, with my best interests at heart. So it’s down to the kitchen for a big mug of tea, spiked with a healthy shot of brandy. Then this meek lamb is going to relax for the rest of the night, and wake up in the morning feeling like the lion she really is.

April will be here and warm days and sunshine won’t be far behind. So March be gone, and with it, all vestiges of this nasty cold and cough and its accompanying whine-fest!