Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – May 28, 2004
- At May 28, 2014
- By Rosemary Wright
- In My Column
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Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – May 28, 2004
Pergola Update
Short Stories From 10 Years Ago – May 28, 2004 – Well, if I thought I was excited on Tuesday when John came to look at my back garden and discuss pergola possibilities, I’m delirious today. The basic structure is up. Each of the four corners is made up of three 4×4’s that are ten feet tall. They form an open, airy corner, rather than a solid column and shrubs are peeking through and adding greenery to the interior.
The rafters on top are thick, dependable 2×8’s with a span of fifteen feet, and they’re spaced across the top every twelve inches. The decorative work will be done over the week-end. Each corner will have finish detail added and the front beam of the pergola will be trimmed with lattice.
This afternoon, on my way home, I popped in to visit my friend Chan at The Victorian Shoppe on Kingston Road. She has an amazing store that is totally crammed with “stuff”. Her merchandise is hanging from hooks, crammed onto shelves and lying on every square inch of the floor. I need danger pay to shop there. I’ve known Chan for years, and inevitably when I’m there, I find great gifts and treasures of every conceivable kind.
Today I was on a mission to find four wrought iron brackets to give extra support to the top corners of the pergola. Chan suggested a bracket that she uses to hang heavy things in the shop and at her home. As we were chatting she pointed out an amazing, decorative iron bracket with a beautiful filigree design. It was made in France, so of course it was expensive. I asked Chan why the things I like are never the inexpensive ones and she just smiled sweetly.
She knows me well. I left the store with the four support brackets and two of the French imports. I’ve waited for years to build this pergola and I only plan to do it once. So I’ve decided to go the extra mile and make it “spectacular”. The French brackets will go a long way to accomplishing that end.
I dragged my prizes out of the car at home and immediately held one up as high on the corner beam as I could. They are very heavy. To my chagrin, it didn’t look good at all – it was sensational. Darn it – now I’ll have to pay for them. Let’s see, will this expenditure matter in a year. The answer is no, so I’m not going to fret about it. Here she is again (drum role please) – “The Queen of Rationalization”. I’m getting sort of attached to her.
John will be back in the morning with tools at the ready and more details of the pergola will be completed. When it’s finished on Sunday, I will have a ten by fifteen foot outdoor room. I’m going to go to the garden centre on the week-end and lug home some flowering plants to fill my pottery, deck planters. My patio furniture will need a swipe and a lick with a damp cloth. Arthur and Roger, the gargoyles will require a shower from the garden hose and the summer broom will do a turn around the deck and the cobblestone.
I’m very happy that I’ve been able to add this beautiful structure to my home. I spend long hours with my clients and this is my summer reward for time spent working. This week-end I’m going to sit in my outdoor room and plan a pergola coming out party, sort of like a debutant’s ball, but not quite as fancy.
For instance, there won’t be any party frocks, waiters, or dancing, but by God, there will be wine and munchies and sweet treats. It will be a marvellous summertime evening, and there will be much fawning over the pergola, if my guests know what’s good for them!