Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade

Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade

Toronto Is Marching

Stop The Dog & Cat Meat Trade – Animal Action Canada is hosting Toronto’s march on Saturday April 4, 2015. Our march registration starts at 10:00 A.M at Bell Trinity Square across from Toronto City Hall. We will start to walk at 11:00 A.M. and the actual march will be about an hour. Other cities around the world are also marching on the same day to bring awareness to this brutal and mostly illegal trade.


Their terror is grotesque – the suffering is mind numbing and for the 25 million cats and dogs around the world who are the victims of this obscene trade every year the misery before and during their deaths is horrific.


The Goal Of The March

To expose the dog meat trade globally

To expose the cat meat trade globally

To expose the countries involved

To expose the cruelty in the trade

To take stolen pets off the menu

To pressure the complicit governments

To expose the kidnappers – smugglers

To let people know how they can help

To encourage people to sign our petition – which will be presented to The Government.




The Cruelty Involved

Many of the animals are stolen pets

Pregnant dogs/ and cats give birth in cages

8 – 12 dogs are crammed into one cage

Dogs can only sweat by panting

Their mouths are bound tightly shut

Their front legs are often dislocated

Their legs and tails are often broken

They are trucked to the meat markets

They may be on a truck for 7+days

They have no rest – food – water


The Meat Markets

25 million dogs/cats are killed annually

The animals are selected by the customers

They may be taken home for slaughter

At restaurants they are killed slowly

They are boiled – grilled – skinned alive

They are killed in front of each other

A longer death equals tastier meat

At dog farms they are brutally force fed

The fear and suffering are barbaric

This trade must be ended globally – we have debased ourselves as humans by being involved in this barbaric practice.


Some Countries Involved In This Trade

Bali – China

Cameroon – Congo

Ghana – Hawaii

Indonesia – Korea

Liberia – Mexico

Nigeria – Polynesia

Sierra Leone – South Africa

Sudan – Switzerlan

Taiwan – Thailand

Tanzania – Vietnam

Tradition & Culture? There Is NO Excuse!

Please Come Out And Join Us!

For more information contact Shelley Craig –