The Suffering Of Arturo
- At December 15, 2014
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

The Suffering Of Arturo
The Suffering Of Arturo – For a fleeting moment in time he imagined himself diving into the frigid water. In his dream – he and his friend Pelusa scrambled out of the water and chased each other over the frozen Arctic tundra – their thick white fur sending water droplets flying into the cold, morning air – their feet strong and sure on the glacier ice.
The Pain In This Photograph Pierces My Heart
This Is Where Arturo Should Live
Then he awakens. The depth of his sadness threatens to take his breath away – he shakes his mighty head to clear the sleep from his mind. It is just another dull day at The Mendoza Zoological Park in Argentina. Pelusa has been dead since 2012 and he is alone.
Arturo is 28 yeas old. He is a member of Ursus Maritimus – (meaning maritime) – his living range is the Arctic Circle and his natural diet is seal meat. He is a hunter and he forages across ice, snow and open Arctic water. The concrete prison in which he lives has a pool that appears to be 2 or 3 feet deep. It looks filthy.
It is 30 Celsius degrees in Mendoza.
He sways, paces and then collapses on a small mound of ice. Perhaps he can dream again.
His “caretakers” claim that he is too old to be moved. One petition from July 2014 asking for his freedom had over 400,000 signatures from around the world. I personally have signed dozens of petitions for Arturo. His jailers are intractable – they tell us that Arturo is happy where he is now. The Government of Argentina does not care – nobody is going to tell Argentina what to do.
His Fur Has No Lustre
Arturo has more dignity and grace in one paw than this ugly, amoral collective of people will ever possess in their lifetimes. And when Arturo finally dies – they will release a statement telling of their sorrow at his passing – and asking us to understand how they are grieving. In their arrogance – they fail to see their profound ignorance.
A Disgusting Concrete Prison
Arturo Is Not Alone Is His Suffering
Inuka – Singapore
Wang – Died In Africa 2014
The Fact That This Photo Even Exists Should Enrage Humanity
The appalling arrogance and ignorance of any people involved in the capture and enslavement of these majestic bears cries out for a visit from Karma. And when Karma arrives may she work her magic on every zoo or unscrupulous circus and on the thoughtless governments and politicians who allow this cruelty to go unchecked. And may Karma come back to them again and again and again …