The Fifth Season
- At February 23, 2017
- By Rosemary Wright
- In My Column
The Fifth Season
Was Declared – Not By A Creator – But By Mankind
The Fifth Season – Regardless of where you live in the world, there are four seasons. Some climates are more moderate than others and don’t see the same shifts in weather that we do in Canada. Here we see the beautiful, soft fresh greens of new life and an emerging spring, followed by the rich full summer of mature, flowering plants and warm summer nights. Fall gives us a bountiful harvest and the promise of rest and quiet. Winter coats the landscape with crisp, sparkling snow. Cold, north winds howl at the door and make us grateful for a crackling fire and sips of hot chocolate. Spring finally emerges again and we are renewed, once more. It was ever thus, until mankind added the fifth season – and he called it RED.
RED bore no resemplance to the other seasons that Nature gave us so freely and joyously. RED is a season that reflects all that is distasteful about humanity. It is arrogant grasping, cruel, selfish, greedy, unthinking, ignorant and deplorable. RED is deeply embedded in many humans, and those devoted to the fifth season ignore needs of the other seasons and all the creatures who enjoy the yearly passing of time.