The Vulgar Ignorance Of Nepal – Gadhimai Killing Festival
- At November 30, 2014
- By Rosemary Wright
- In Global Issues

The Vulgar Ignorance Of Nepal – Gadhimai Killing Festival
Boycott Nepal
The Vulgar Ignorance Of Nepal – Gadhimai Killing Festival – In South Central Nepal near the border with India. Why anyone would want to visit this Godless country is a mystery. But I am told that the people of Nepal are mostly wonderful and that it is a country of great beauty. Over the last 2 days the government sanctioned slaughter of innocent animals has again taken place. A frenzied killing of sentient beings to appease a Hindu Goddess.
Graphic Content
Participants hope to receive “good luck” from the Goddess of Power. The event is blessed by a priest. The victims include – goats, water buffalo, chickens, pigeons, cows, calves and pigs. They are massacred without pity. Men wielding curved Kukri blades cut off the animals’ heads – although their bodies may also be hacked apart.
Hearing The Screams Of Dying Animals As He Waits To Be Slaughtered
I remember an article from the last festival in 2009 describing the killing of a large buffalo – it took 9 swings of the sword to cut the animal’s head from his body. Some people drink the warm, gushing blood for the thrashing body of the decapitated animal.
This Animal Clearly Did Not Die From The First Blow
This year India banned the transport of animals across the border. Many were still smuggled into Nepal but some were stopped at the crossing points. The animals are forced to walk their deaths – often for many days without food or water.
Too Exhausted To Walk Any Further A Calf Is Carried To His Death
As an outsider I am appalled by this senseless killing of innocent animals and disgusted that the Hindu religion condones this planned, barbaric cruelty. I had always believed that Hinduism did not support the killing of living beings – let alone a slaughter of this magnitude – clearly I was wrong. I condemn Nepal, its government and every person who took part in this madness.
Eager To Watch The Killing
Waiting To Die In The Background
A Lone Protester Amidst The Carnage
On Day 2 – Disgusted By The Stench – People Cover Their Faces
If you wonder why humans know no peace – you need look no further than this insane “festival” of murder.
Shame on all who participated.
The Aftermath Of Their Worship
Graphic – But Important To Understand – This Must NOT Happen Again in 2019. The Corruption Must Stop.
Please Sign Petitions When You See Them!